The world’s best handball players inspire talented players alongside international youth tournaments across Europe: This is the central idea of the RESPECT YOUR TALENT Summer Tour 2021. Throughout July and August, more than 600 aspiring athletes will directly benefit from their role models’ experience.

In the form of compact workshop sessions designed by TW1N, the RESPECT YOUR TALENT Ambassadors give practical insights to the future of European handball on how to improve on and off the court, covering topics such as dual career, mental performance, anti-doping, media or sports law.

Tour start in Slovenia, Italy and North Macedonia

This month, RESPECT YOUR TALENT kicked off its Summer Tour in Slovenia, Italy and North Macedonia, featuring the Ambassadors Andrea Lekić, Katarina Bulatovic and Anja Althaus. In August, we will bring our Summer events to seven more European countries.

“It was really nice that Andrea Lekić was here. She taught us things about ourselves, our talent, and I think I will respect myself and my talent even more now.”

Erin Novak, Slovenian Under-19 National Team Player

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